February 23, 2011

  • Caffiend

    Every work day at lunchtime I go to Starbucks, and every time I go to Starbucks there is almost always the same lady working there.  She always greets me in the same dreary way, robotically asking me how I am doing and what I want to drink.  There is never any expression on her face or inflection in her voice.  Qualitative reasoning does not lead me to believe that she has Bell’s palsy or vocal chord paralysis, so I suspect that her problem is that she either (1) does not like her job or (2) does not like herself.  Interacting with someone who is not happy with themselves is always uncomfortable.  It’s kind of like the experience you get from listening to a Nirvana song: any terrible feeling you have about yourself is instantly amplified.   I always feel like my day becomes a little more ruined whenever I see her, but perhaps I just feel miserable because I’m sleepy and tired, which happens to be entirely why I go to Starbucks in the first place.  Sometimes I think that depression and fatigue are the same thing:  In both cases you’re just trying to live through the grunge of your own existence.

    I feel like I just described the entire essence of the city of Seattle.

Comments (3)

  • i just love the way you explain things.  especially your coffee adventures.  i still remember your quote

    “i love the fact she denies my existence.”   or something like that.   good stuff keep it up 

  • I agree with the above comment. Perhaps you need to think of different things than, say, trying to find the reasons behind some random person’s attitude. Though, it’s always nice to read ones thoughts on the different matters in life and this is no exception. Have a good day.

  • Sad… Starbucks usually has pretty upbeat employees.  Don’t let her bad vibe pull you down.

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